
Stay fit while traveling | April 14, 2024

5 Simple Ways to Stay Active and in Shape While Traveling

Going away on vacation is always something to look forward to. However, the lack of at-home gym routines and allure of indulging in the local cuisine can take a toll on our health and wellness. Don't worry about it. With a little planning, you'll find that travel and fitness can coexist. Here are my top five tips:

Start your morning with some movement
Get your training in before you leave the room for the day, before the day gets away from you. Each workout can be as short as ten minutes or as long as 40 minutes. Any movement is better than no movement, and you’ll feel better and more energized to do more with your day. Whether you’re doing recuperative stretches to recover from that cramped flight, some morning yoga to welcome a new day, push-ups, lunges, squats, the important thing is to allow your body to warm up and get into a state of “go.” Pro tip - an exercise band easily fits in your carryon and can be used for total body exercise.

You can also start your morning with a run or power walk. Jogging through an area you’ve never seen before is the ultimate exercise hack. You simply won’t worry about pain in your legs when you’re checking out new sights in an area you don’t know. Getting lost is an obvious risk, but finding your way back is part of the fun. If all else fails, ask Siri!

Don't take the too-easy route
Elevators are great, especially when you’ve got a lot of luggage to haul. But are they too convenient? Save (electric) power and use (man) power to get to your second- or third-floor room if you can. Always take the stairs for a few extra steps and some minor strength-building. Close those rings on your fitness tracker easily this way, and even save time. More often than not, by the time the elevator comes, you’ll already be at least halfway up!

When it comes to excursions, pick the more active ones versus the inactive ones. For instance, take a jungle hike or a bike tour instead of a bus ride or a day cruise.

Walk often, as often as you can. Skip the golf cart and explore on foot, take your time moseying around town and souvenir shopping, and indulge in those long walks on the beach.

Use the airport as an opportunity.
All of the same goes at the airport. Travel with a big backpack and walk while you are waiting for your flight. Loaded carries like this will help keep your back from cramping up, and provide a good way to get your steps in and get invigorated for your trip. Even doing laps around the terminal is better than sitting still and breathing stale air from the sleeping and snacking passengers!

If you’re using a suitcase, carry it on one side as long as you can, then alternate as necessary instead of using the rollers.

Stay hydrated
Bring a bottle of water with you to replenish lost fluids. Drinking water is a great way to stay in shape and respond to the challenge of how to stay fit on vacation. Add a pinch of salt to your bottle of water to help replace lost electrolytes. Drink coconut water if you can, for optimal hydration benefits. Coconut water is rich in potassium and contains calcium and magnesium.

Get adequate rest and sleep
This tip is crucial in staying fit. Do not spend all day exploring the place you visit. Do not overstrain your body by pushing the limits. It’s important that you take a rest and also get proper sleep during your vacation. Lack of sleep weakens our immune system, elicits anxiety attacks, and triggers overeating. Turn your hotel room or cruise stateroom into a sleep haven by drawing down curtains/blinds and adjusting the room temperature.

Even given the many challenges, you can still balance staying fit while also thoroughly enjoying your vacation. Plus it’s vacation! Take time to indulge and let loose a little.

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